Serviceton was established after the Victorian and South Australian governments decided to build a junction station midway between their capitals, when the broad gauge railway line was being built. Serviceton Station was named after the former Victorian Premier, Sir James Service, and was gazetted on January 1st 1887. The township was to house and cater for the railway employees which enabled them to work within their own states. The cost of the 3 level building was to be equally shared by the 2 colonies. It was constructed of Horsham made bricks on the then 'Disputed Territory' and was completed in 1889. Following the surveying of the border it was discovered that there was a discrepancy of up to approximately 2 kilometres wide extending from the Murray River and to the coast in the south. Both Victorian and South Australia claimed this area of land to be theirs. The Dispute was finally settled in November 1914 in Victoria's favour in London. During this time, Serviceton boasted a large population, with a flourishing busy town life. Just some of the businesses included a post office, saddler store, wine cafe and billiard room, boarding houses, pharmacy, bank, newsagent, fruiterers, blacksmiths, bakery and butchery and five churches.
Visitors are welcome however the station is not manned but run by volunteers who are willing to give guided tours. Contact Les Millikin, ph 03 5393 1448 or Angela Heinrich 0418 142 915. The station is well signposted on the Western Highway. To get there from Kaniva, head west down the Western highway and turn left at the intersection just after the sign post. Travel toward Serviceton, approx. 3 kms, over the railway line and follow the signs. "The Disputed Country" book is available for purchase at the Railway Station.