Kaniva & Serviceton have a variety of activities for newly retired and older people including: Country Women's Association Serviceton: 1st Tuesday of the month 1.30 pm Serviceton Bowling Club rooms. Contact Lorraine Vivian 5392 2341
Men's Shed Lunches: every second Tuesday at 12 pm. Regular meetings: every Tuesday at 2 pm. open most weekdays 10 - 4pm. Full details: Men's Shed
Retired and Active Group Choose activities and outings that interest you. Enjoy regular outings, activities, games, meals and more. Contact WWHS Intake Department Ph 5391 4222
Senior Citizens Table games & cards, 1st & 3rd Friday at 2pm. Bingo 1st Friday 2pm. Carpet Bowls, Wednesday 2pm, 32 Progress St, Kaniva. Contact Marion Dines 5364 0104